We are currently open 9AM to 5PM every day!
Created during PA’s non-essential business closings during the pandemic, feel free to enjoy these virtual tour highlight videos of the Museum.

Introduction – AACA Museum Virtual Tour

Williams-Clyne Showroom Gallery

Main Gallery – Battery Park – 1900 – 1910

Machine Shop

Hershey 1920s

Frank Hartmaier 1929 Model A Ford

Miami Beach 1930s

Service Station 1940s

Cammack Tucker Exhibit Part 1

Cammack Tucker Exhibit Part 2

Cammack Tucker Exhibit Part 3

Drive-in Theater 1950s

Road Map Collectors Association

Route 66 1960s

Train Room

Our “Virtual Visits” series takes you on guided virtual tours of the Museum led by our Executive Director Jeffrey Bliemeister.
The AACA Museum, Inc. is home to the nation’s largest display of full-sized vintage buses. Our tour across America focuses on coaches and many people who made the cross country trek aboard dependable, reliable, affordable buses. The bus has quietly earned a spot in motoring lore. And, two from the Museum collection graced the big screen in the movies “Speed” and “Forrest Gump.”