With the help of Lebanon Valley College, we have developed educational modules that use vehicles and transportation history to teach science, technology, engineering, art, and math (i.e. STEAM) concepts. Each module contains the necessary resources for both staff and students.
Pre K to Kindergarten
The pre-k and kindergarten school educator materials are free to download. Click the arrow symbol to access the particular subject module you wish to download.
Level: Early Education | Subject: Science
What do we need to make a train go?
Developed by: Taylor, Lebanon Valley College May 2016
Elementary School
The elementary school educator materials are free to download. Click the arrow symbol to access the particular subject module you wish to download.
Are We There Yet?
Level: Lower Elementary | Subjects: Math, Science
How can I follow directions using co-ordinate points and landmarks?
Developed by: McCarthy, Lebanon Valley College
Sink or Float?
Level: Upper Elementary | Subject: Physical Science
Why do objects sink or float?
Developed by: Michelle Ingram, Lebanon Valley College
GPS Units
Level: Lower Elementary | Subject: Science
How does a GPS help people around the world?
Developed by: Leidigh & Vrablic, Lebanon Valley College
Liquids, Solids, and Gasses Oh My
Level: Lower Elementary | Subject: Science
How does a steam engine work? Why have we stopped using it and what has it been replaced with?
Developed by: Jasmine, Lebanon Valley College
Map My Drive
Level: Lower Elementary | Subjects: Math, Science
How do I read a map and identify the physical landmarks on it?
Developed by: Elaine Gross, Lebanon Valley College
Road Trip
Level: Lower Elementary | Subject: Math
How do I use my map to calculate how many miles I am traveling and how many gallons of gas I will use?
Developed by: Lebanon Valley College
What Makes a Car Go?
Level: Upper Elementary | Subjects: Math, Science
SWBAT work in small groups to build a car and see which group’s car will go the farthest.
Developed by: Stottlemyer, Lebanon Valley College
What Makes a Car, a Car?
Level: Lower Elementary | Subjects: Math, Science
What are the main parts of a car?
Developed by: Julie Smith, Lebanon Valley College
Living vs. Non-Living
Level: Lower Elementary | Subject: Science
How do we classify living and non-living things?
Developed by: Adams & Kohler, Lebanon Valley College
Middle School
The middle school educator materials are free to download. Click the arrow symbol to access the particular subject module you wish to download.
Graphing & Data Predictions
Level: Middle School | Subject: Math
Use a variety of graphs and tables to practice interpreting and using data.
Developed by: Sara Behm & Austin DeLaRonde, Lebanon Valley College
Includes PowerPoint Presentations
Note: You’ll need to download all the files below to conduct the class.
Braking Systems
Level: Middle School | Subject: Math
Use properties, percentages and rates to compare early brakes to those we have today.
Developed by: Gabrielle Pretot & Ashley Kutz, Lebanon Valley College
Includes PowerPoint Presentations
Note: You’ll need to download all the files below to conduct the class.
Women in the Automobile Industry
Level: Middle School | Subject: Math, History
What influence have women had in the automotive industry?
Developed by: Mary Baldassarre, Lebanon Valley College
Rubber Boom
Level: Middle School | Subject:
Developed by: Matthew Bishop & Kyler Burke, Lebanon Valley College
1960s Automobiles and Culture
Level: Middle School | Subject: History, English
How have cars affected society and culture?
Developed by: Megan Lough, Lebanon Valley College
Evolution of Traffic Laws
Level: Middle School | Subject: History, English
Where did traffic laws come from? Why are they important?
Developed by: Renate Berger, Lebanon Valley College
High School
The high school educator materials are free to download. Click the arrow symbol to access the particular subject module you wish to download.
Spanish Tense Conjugation
Written descriptions and tense conjugation – General information about automobiles
Developed by: Robyn Moore, Lebanon Valley College
English: 1920s Automobile Symbolism
The automobile in the 1920s and the symbolism of the automobile in The Great Gatsby
Developed by: History-Erica Laufer, English-Nicole Shepski; Lebanon Valley College
Includes PowerPoint Presentations
Note: You’ll need to download all the files below to conduct the class.
What impacts did WWI have on United States’ society, and how does the sutomobile industry fit into that?
Developed by: Lebanon Valley College
History of Women and the Automobile
Why were women kept from driving cars?
Developed by: Glenn Dietrich, Lebanon Valley College
WWII and the Automobile
What effect did the automobile have on American society?
Developed by: Glenn Dietrich, Lebanon Valley College
Please Note: There are two PowerPoint presentations that must be requested as the files are too large to post. Please contact education@aacamuseum.org.
Expect 5 – 7 business days for a response.
History of the VW during WWII
How was Volkswagen contributing to society during WWII?
Developed by: Korissa Harold & Morgan Yealy, Lebanon Valley College
Please Note: There are two PowerPoint presentations that must be requested as the files are too large to post. Please contact education@aacamuseum.org.
Expect 5 – 7 business days for a response.
Age of Aquarius
How did the Age of Aquarius affect the automobile industry?
Developed by: Cecilia Arvelo, Millersville University
Physics & Science
How does inertia affect a car?
Developed by: Lindsey Wilson, Lebanon Valley College
How can evolutionary theory apply to cars?
Developed by: Ryan VanHouten & Andrew Flinchbaugh, Lebanon Valley College
Developed by: Kevin Doty, Lebanon Valley College
Includes PowerPoint Presentations
Note: You’ll need to download all the files below to conduct the class.
The ecology and carbon footprint as it relates to automobiles.
Developed by: Lebanon Valley College