Packard Showroom Exhibit Presented by Keystone Packards
Nov 18, 2021—Apr 24, 2022

Location: Williams-Clyne Showroom
This fall, our Williams-Clyne Showroom Gallery is the home of Keystone Packards’ historic Packard display. The company was considered the preeminent luxury car before World War II. Owning this renowned marque was prestigious, being the favorite with European royalty, celebrities, and American corporate tycoons. President Franklin Roosevelt was known to give limousines as gifts on several occasions. With little regard to expense, the vehicles boasted engineering prowess using the best of everything. Packard became synonymous with luxury, quality, refinement, and reliability.
Keystone Packards is a regional club, chartered by Packard Automobile Classics, the national club. Although they have members that reside outside of Pennsylvania, most members reside in Central and Eastern Pennsylvania.
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